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作者: 来源: 发布时间:2011年12月14日 点击数:
  1. 教学内容:五篇短文
  2. 教材处理: 本节课的教学内容是五篇短文,要求在规定的一堂课内完成,阅读量较大,如果按照顺序逐篇讲解练习,课堂就会显得单调而乏味。因为五篇短文分别涉及旅行,科技,音乐,生活和幽默小故事等几个主题,所以就根据阅读时所要用到的阅读技巧安排了文章顺序,一方面起到连贯作用,另外也让同学们在比较中阅读,在比较中欣赏。
  4. 教学重点和难点:如何运用快速阅读技巧,提高阅读效率,提高做题的正确率。
    本节课可分为三个版块:新授,归纳,综合应用。前两块内容是相互穿插进行。希望学生在阅读中欣赏到成功的喜悦,激发学生的兴趣,提高学生的阅读能力。第一篇文章,通过free talk 引出度假的话题,让学生通过有针对的题目,快速阅读文章掌握大意,并总结出阅读技巧-------Scanning and guessing,然后用这些技巧通过阅读来解决第二篇文章,找出主题句,完成表格,引出skimming的技巧,在第三篇文中复习这几个技巧并引出最后一个阅读技巧realizing。在第四篇文章中运用该技巧解题并表演对话内容。第五篇短文是对阅读技巧的综合运用,以讨论的方式结束。     
Step One and Two:新授和归纳
Activity1. free talk
[说明]free talk引出话题vacation来调动学生。

Activity2. Do passage 1
[说明] 引导学生根据题目内容来看图表,并做一些练习。     
1 Where does the information come from?
2 What lessons will you take if you want to discover something new?
3 What does "go hiking" mean in Chinese?
4 Is visiting a foreign country an exciting trip?
5 If you want to stay home, will you catch up on reading or join an archaeological dig?
Activity3 .Show the students the two reading rules: guessing and scanning

Activity4 . Do passage2
1. 连词成句.
The, solar system, largest, the, Earth, in, planet, fifth, is
It is cool and dry.
It is medium-sized star.
Eratosthenes worked out its circumference.
It is yellow.
It is a planet.
It is a satellite.
[说明] 通过阅读,让学生用已掌握的技巧解题。

Activity5: 将表格内的要点联系起来,在文中找出与主题句。

Activity6: 以passage3为例,了解大意,引导学生完成练习。
1. 找出文中的主题句
The topic sentence is:___________________________________________.
  A.determined    B.brave    C.happy   D. clever
3.What is the best title for the passage:(     )
  A.  The Bronx in New York        B.Jennifer's abilities and her success      
  C.  Interests of Jennifer's parents     D. The dangers of the Bronx

Activity7 :  Do passage 4
[说明] 引导学生用已学阅读技巧快速阅读,并回答问题。
 (1) When it's winter in China, what season is it in Russia?
 (2) What does David take for his holiday?
 (3) Does Ben have a pair of sunglasses?
 (4) What is the weather like in Australia now?
 (5) What happened at last?
Activity8: Complete the dialogue,and act it out.
 [说明] 从阅读对话,到能够根据对文章的理解把对话演绎出来,也是对文章的进一步理解,同时也能调节好课堂气氛,以学生为主导的环节。
Activity9 : Draw a conclusion. Show the students four reading rules:guessing,scanning,skimming and realizing.
 [说明] 综合运用已学的四种技巧进行比较阅读

Step Three:综合运用
Activity10 : 阅读文章5, 分别讨论以下问题。
1 What kind of music do you like?
2 Do you know rap music?
3 What does rap music often tell about?
4 Why is the music called rap?
[说明] 综合运用阅读技巧,提高英语水平。

Step Four :回家作业
1.Revise the four reading rules.
2.Try to find more passages you are interested in, then read them by using the rules.
[说明] 通过课堂教学的阅读技巧和文章的趣味性,加强学生对于阅读的兴趣,从而能够主动获取自己感兴趣的知识信息。

    本节课在备课的过程中,根据学生问卷调查中出现的各种学生了解的文章类型,我选择了不同类的文章五篇代表了不同题材。 题目的设计力求有表格,有问题,并将英语阅读中主要的四种阅读技巧将文章有机串联,力求打破一节课中间一篇文章接一篇文章的枯燥讲解。通过对话的表演和讨论加深学生对阅读的理解,也适当的引入说与练的练习。但可能还是内容输入较多,学生在拓展环节表现拘谨,反而影响到了一点阅读效果。
Passage 1:
What people like to do on vacation?
Discover something new
take language,cooking, or sailing lessons,join an archaeological(考古的) dig
Enjoy nature 
go camping,hiking, or fishing, relax at the beach
Take an exciting trip
visit a foreign country, travel through their own country by car or train
Stay home 
catch up on reading, fix up or redecorate(重新装饰)the house
Each star in the sky is a huge hot ball of gas. The sun is a medium-sized yellow star and it is 93,026,724 miles away from the earth.
The earth is the third planet from the sun in the solar system(太阳系). It is the cloest to the sun around January 2 each year, it is the farthest away from the sun around July 2 each year. It is the only planet in the solar system that has lives. Earth is the fifth largest planet in the solar system. Eratosthenes was a Greek scholar(学者)who was the first person to work out the circumference(周长)of the earth.
The earth has one moon. It is cold and dry. It is the earth's only natural satellite. It may be part of the earth, and it may have been broken off the earth during a hard hit of a huge body with the earth billions of years ago.
Jennifer Lopez is a famous actress. She is also a singer and a dancer! Jennifer is also called J-Lo. She was born in the Bronx, a poor area in New York. It is famous for being dangerous at night. A lot of famous actors and singers come from the Bronx. J-Lo's parents were very strict (严格).
She was never allowed to miss even one day of school or church(教堂). Her parents worked hard. They wanted her to work hard too. J-Lo's parents spoke Spanish. But they made sure that J-Lo could also speak English. They wanted her to be successful in America. J-Lo's dad said that she was very strong-minded and competitive(好竞争的)as a child. She always wanted to win. She was good at everything she tried to do. She started dance lessons when she was 5.
Ben: Hello, David. Tomorrow I am going to sunny Australia! It's so warm there. I can swim all day.
David: But it's winter time.
Ben: When it's winter in China, it's summer in Australia. Where are you going on holiday?
David: I am going to Russia. It's winter there. I can skate.
Ben: Do you have warm clothes?
David: Of course! I have winter coat and some new nice skates, too.
Ben: I have a bathing suit and sunglasses. How do I look?
David: Cool! Time to go. See you!
Ben: See you!
(After they get to the place, they find somthing wrong.)
Ben: Oh, my god. Where are my bathing suit and sunglasses?
David: Oh, no. This is not my suitcase. How can I skate with a bathing suit?
Rap music was started in New York by young African-Americans. In this kind of music, people speak words quickly and with a beat. Often rap is put together with popular music and called hip-hop. Many people do not like rap music because the songs sometimes use rude words.
The people that make rap music usually come from poor places. They are often very smart and have a keen understanding of the world around them. Their music shows this understanding. It tells about the problems they face in life.
The word "rap" is taken form the word "rapping". In the 1960s "rapping" meant talking. Since rap is like fast talking, people called it rapping and later it rap.

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